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ESco presents “The Strong Women’s Club”

Written by Louise McHale
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ESco was founded in 1984 by two young, ambitious women, Elaine & Susan (the E & S in ESco).

In 1986 Elaine left to raise her family.

Susan continued to build on the foundations they had started together, growing the client base and services provided by ESco, whilst becoming a mother to her first daughter, Clare, in 1985.

For Susan, ESco was the provision to provide for her family, to financially support her decision to have children.

In 1986, Susan’s second daughter, Louise, was born. Now, a mother to two little girls under two, Susan worked and parented simultaneously. Developing a budding business, managing staff whilst growing ESco was a tough job, but raising two young daughters at the same time was akin to walking through treacle. With your hands tied behind your back. And a blindfold on. It was a character building experience to say the least. Susan could relate to mothers who wanted or needed a career but didn’t want to miss out on all the important moments that motherhood brings. And why should they?! This experience sparked her desire to support women in the work place – and so, through ESco, she did.

For the full existence of ESco’s lifespan (a beautiful thirty-three years to date), there have always been a long line of mothers amongst the employees. Bright, capable mothers who have received the opportunity to raise their children alongside building a successful career with a company that not only values them and the good work they do, but recognises that family must come first.

ESco has always appreciated the brilliant truth in the notorious play on words “Don’t be a Dummy, I can work and be a Mummy”.

So after raising her daughters on a potent dose of Girl Power (and a healthy splash of red lipstick), Susan’s youngest daughter, Louise, brought an idea to the table…

And so, The Strong Women’s Club was born – a group that thrives on empowering, supporting and inspiring women.

Their first event is on 29th November, a Confidence Workshop delivered by the wonderful Sunita Harley at The Lucky Things Blog. With a month to go – it’s already a sell-out event. Watch this space.

ESco. Supporting women since 1984.

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