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ESco supports the Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal

Written by Megan Walden
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As events continue to escalate in Ukraine, we want to ensure that here at ESco we are doing everything we can to help.

According to the Disasters Emergency Committee, 18 million people are projected to become affected by the conflict. That’s why we have chosen to make a £5,000 donation to the Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal which will go to member charities and their local partners currently responding in Ukraine and in neighbouring countries.

For families fleeing the conflict, who have left their homes with only the items they were able to carry, the work of the Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal is crucial. Here’s how these donations are helping during this devastation:

  • £30 could provide essential hygiene supplies for three people for one month
  • £50 could provide blankets for four families
  • £100 could provide emergency food for two families for one month

We are continuously looking for new fundraising opportunities in-house where possible to continue to support this appeal and we urge our clients, partners and friends to do the same.

Managing Director, Susan Duffin says “Our hearts go out to everyone in Ukraine and, as we watch the unfolding news, we want so much to help in any way we can. Both individually and as a company, we are donating money and items to charities that are supporting the people of Ukraine. We are praying that this war will end and peace will be properly restored.”

We hope that everyone will stand with us, as we continue to stand with Ukraine.

You can donate to the Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal here.

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