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Written by Louise McHale
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When life gives you lemons? Make lemonade.

So, what can you do to make lemonade from this situation?

  • Increase your digital offering!
  • Add some extra issues onto any subscriptions expiring in the next month – we don’t want those subscribers to make a decision during these difficult times that they’ll regret
  • Create a self-isolation kit! Bundle up some single issues, books and gifts, put a positive message with it, focus on the future
  • Create a GIFT kit for friends and relatives who are alone and could do with some cheering up
  • Communicate regularly with your subscribers, they’re listening more than ever

What are some of our partners doing?

Trade Exhibitions, after postponing Professional Beauty London until October – one of the biggest events in the beauty industry, they’ve turned those bitter lemons into some lovely refreshing lemonade with their Virtual Beauty Week and HJ Virtual Week – the first of their kind.

With the beauty and hair industries currently in isolation, it’s an ideal time for them to make the most of Trade Exhibitions' offerings, with:

  • Daily webinars from industry-led speaks, offering inspiration, business advice and live demos
  • Exclusive offers from brands who were due to be at the show
  • Updates on how to safeguard your business during this Coronavirus pandemic

Happy advertisers/exhibitors, happy customers. What a clever bunch they are!

Panini have launched a flash sale across all their social media channels for a discounted six-month Direct Debit subscription. No emails or letters, so lower marketing costs…and do you know what?! It was SO successful on the first day that they extended the offer!

Almost 400 orders in 2 days…all on Direct Debit. This is exactly what is needed right now.

Well done Panini!

I think we could all do with some more good news, so this is the positivity coming from out there…in the big wide world…

One of the best things to come out of this nightmare like situation, is the kindness of others, the very British feeling that we are all in this together, and we all have our part to play. On Tuesday evening the Government called on an “army of volunteers” to help deliver food and medication to the vulnerable, speak to isolated people on the phone, and transport people to appointments…by Wednesday evening more than 500,000 people had already signed up!!

In other news, Aldi & Tesco are rewarding their staff with a 10% bonus for dealing with the crowds.

More you say? Well ok! An anonymous but super generous benefactor is treating 171 villagers of Denchworth, Oxon to fish and chips every Friday for the next three months…and to support their local, he’s enlisted the village pub to cook the meals…win win!

Just one more…have a watch of this and try not to shed a tear…(a happy one): Birthday in Isolation.

So, all that’s left to say is…we are here. We’re here to help. We will get through this. Together.

Stay healthy everyone.

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