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Our people

Nice to meet you

Our people are the heart of everything we do. Meet the friendly individuals who make ESco a great place to work and an even better partner to our clients.

The Client Management Department builds strong relationships with our clients, ensuring their needs are always met, whilst the Customer Services Team provides friendly and efficient support, making every interaction with your customers a positive experience. In IT, the team keeps our technology running smoothly, always staying ahead of the curve, whilst the Production team brings it all together, ensuring your renewals are processed, and direct mail fulfilled.

Each member of this fab team has a unique skill set to drive us forward. But don’t just take our word for it… look at all those lovely faces.

Susan Duffin Managing Director AKA: Suze
Susan Duffin Managing Director

When did you join ESco?
August 1984
What departments have you worked in?
Every single one!
Who is your hero?
Share some good advice that you have been given and who gave it to you?
“If you look the part, and act the part, you will become the part”, which is advice given to my husband years’ ago by our good friend and business founder, Keith Bloodworth
What did you want to be when you were younger?
Tell us a fun fact about yourself?
I once rescued a black cat which was quite badly attacked by our dogs, and it sunk its fangs into my arm but I hung on tight and returned it to its owner. We became good friends, exchanging Christmas cards for years. Cloth Ears (the cat) turned white, and then back to black when it recovered.

Lee Turbard Data Solutions Director AKA: Lesmond
Lee Turbard Data Solutions Director

When did you join ESco?
December 1989
What departments have you worked in?
All of them!
What are some of your favourite things?
Star Wars, Iron Maiden, Star Wars, Lovebites, Star Wars, Nightwish, Star Wars, Lego, Star Wars, Whiskey, Star Wars, Bruce Springsteen… Did I mention Star Wars?
Do you have any hidden talents?
Possibly, but I’ve forgotten where I hid them…
What would the title of your autobiography be?
I Still Don’t Know What I Want To Be When I Grow Up
Tell us a fun fact about yourself?
I like data… I like big bytes and I cannot lie…


Clare Gill Business Operations Director AKA: Clarey
Clare Gill Business Operations Director

When did you join ESco?
October 2003
What departments have you worked in?
Every department (except IT)!
What did you want to be when you were younger?
Sally Gunnell or Kyle Minogue… Once I realised I couldn’t be an actual person, I wanted to be a business woman like my Mum!
What is your happiest memory?
I’m not sure it’s possible to have a single happiest memory but I was pretty elated to bring my daughter, Florence home from hospital having spent 11 weeks there when she was born 3 months early
What’s something you’ve always wanted to do but haven’t done yet? Why not?
Go to Iceland (the country, not the supermarket). I just haven’t got round to it yet!
Tell us a fun fact about yourself?
There are always freshly baked cookies or flapjack in my kitchen

Ellie Holden Customer Service Manager – Corporate AKA: Els
Ellie Holden Customer Service Manager – Corporate

When did you join ESco?
January 2019
What departments have you worked in?
Corporate, Customer Service
What are some of your favourite things?
Beyonce, Michael Kiwanuka, Arsenal, Moulin Rouge and Italian food
If you had a superpower, what would it be and why?
I’d choose the ability to teleport because I don’t like airplanes but love going abroad on holiday!
What’s something you’ve always wanted to do but haven’t done yet? Why not?
I learnt German and French in school and always wished I’d have carried on with my language studies. I would like to be able to fluently speak another language but unfortunately, I never find the time for learning (though maybe that’s me just making excuses)!
Tell us a fun fact about yourself?
I have a twin brother

Federica Rainaldi Project Manager AKA: FedEx
Federica Rainaldi Project Manager

When did you join ESco?
September 2016
What departments have you worked in?
Customer Services, Account Management, Project Management
What are some of your favourite things?
Pink Floyd, The Division Bell, The Goonies, Friends, Mad Men, pasta, pizza, chips – all the carbs!
What is your guilty pleasure?
Christmas rom-coms and liquorice wheels
Unpopular opinion – What’s something you think is totally overrated?
So many things… Beyonce, Stanley cups, bras… Pineapple on pizza!
Tell us a fun fact about yourself?
I lace up my shoes with the bunny ear method and I am not ashamed to admit it

Emma McHale Website Coordinator AKA: Ginger Ninja
Emma McHale Website Coordinator

When did you join ESco?
September 2011 (although I also worked here from July 2003 to December 2005)
What departments have you worked in?
Fulfilment & Production, Account Management & IT
If you could have dinner with three people, who would it be and why?
Oooh, I want more than three. But if I have to choose, then three queens! Queen Elizabeth I & II – both defining women of their ages, so much strength, wisdom and fierceness to survive and thrive in the eras that they did… The epitome of Girl power. And you have to have a bit of Freddie Mercury – the life and soul of any (every?!) party and the most amazing voice, just a fascinating person with such a huge public persona whilst being such a private person.
What is your guilty pleasure?
Love a kitchen disco… Turn the music up way too loud so it drowns out my caterwauling and dance like no-one is watching!
What’s something you’ve always wanted to do but haven’t done yet? Why not?
I’d love to get my bike license, but I’m limited on time, money and an ailing back.
Tell us a fun fact about yourself?
I planted the seed for an ESco book club to get all the bibliophiles to identify themselves… We are now ten strong and are sampling the local pubs on a monthly-ish basis to get our book-geek on!

Graham Bastiani Warehouse Manager AKA: Grum
Graham Bastiani Warehouse Manager

When did you join ESco?
January 2008
What departments have you worked in?
What are some of your favourite things?
Arsenal (my beloved football team), Indian food and Avatar
What would the title of your autobiography be?
The Diary of a Grumpy Old Man
What are your three simple joys?
Disaronno Velvet, Haribo and not waking up to my alarm at the weekend
Tell us a fun fact about yourself?
I once owned a Robin Reliant three-wheeler

Sam Whittaker Client Relationship Manager AKA: Simon
Sam Whittaker Client Relationship Manager

When did you join ESco?
June 2015
What departments have you worked in?
Customer Service, Account Management
What would the title of your autobiography be?
Who’s Simon?
Do you have any hidden talents?
What’s your funniest ESco memory?
John, making a call to someone by the name of Mr Afleck. After spending half an hour prior to the call training himself not to refer to him as Ben, he proceeded to immediately kick off the call with “hello, am I speaking to Ben Afleck?”
Tell us a fun fact about yourself?
I am a Founding Member of the Lakes Distillery

Louise McHale Deputy Managing Director AKA: Lois
Louise McHale Deputy Managing Director

When did you join ESco?
January 2006
What departments have you worked in?
Every department (except IT)!
Share some good advice that you have been given and who gave it to you?
It’s important to feel like you look nice to be able to take on the day, which was advice from my late Granny, Evelyn, and something I live by every day
What is your guilty pleasure?
Country music and eating ready to roll marzipan straight out the packet (not necessarily at the same time)
What did you want to be when you were younger?
When asked by my Dad at about ten years old to write a page about what I wanted to be when I was older (what type of house, what type of job, family, holidays etc), I gave him back one word… Happy.
Tell us a fun fact about yourself?
I was a live mannequin in a Cambridge City Centre shop window as a teen and I once had a telephone conversation with Shane Richie… Who was pretty irritated that I didn’t know who he was!

Molly Dayes Client Relationship Manager AKA: Mols
Molly Dayes Client Relationship Manager

When did you join ESco?
January 2019
What departments have you worked in?
Customer Services, Account Management
What is your happiest memory?
Not to be cringey, but finding out we were expecting our little boy and our wedding day
What were your favourite subjects in school?
P.E, Biology and Chemistry, and I wanted to be a vet or an army medic!
What’s your funniest ESco memory?
The time I lost one shoe at the Game Fair whilst selling subscriptions on behalf of a client…
Tell us a fun fact about yourself?
I’ve driven a race car round Brands Hatch

Clare Reid Senior Customer Service Specialist AKA: Clare Bear
Clare Reid Senior Customer Service Specialist

When did you join ESco?
September 2013
What departments have you worked in?
Finance & Admin, Corporate, Customer Service
Do you have any hidden talents?
I can hold a pretty good tune and can also play the oboe and the saxophone. Basically, a one-woman band!
What’s something you’ve always wanted to do but haven’t done yet? Why not?
I’ve always wanted to take a hot air balloon ride, but I’m actually quite scared of heights (which is a bit of an obstacle as you can imagine)
What’s your pet peeve?
Things that beep!
Tell us a fun fact about yourself?
I lived in Santa Barbara, California for a year when I was 18

Connor Smith Project Manager AKA: Connorky
Connor Smith Project Manager

When did you join ESco?
September 2016
What departments have you worked in?
Customer Service, Account Management, Project Management
What are some of your favourite things?
Blade Runner, Alien, Alex Garland, Robert Eggers, New York Knicks, Carmelo Anthony, LANY, Moussaka, Rory McIlroy, Charley Hull, Henry Cavill, Florence Pugh, The Midnight, golf, Coco Pops at midnight, Sam’s tale of his trip to Alton Towers
Do you have any hidden talents?
All my talents are suitably on show
What’s something you think is totally overrated?
Coleslaw. Slimy tasteless mess.
Tell us a fun fact about yourself?
I once met Craig Charles in an Irish airport

Rosie Buckingham Senior Customer Service Specialist AKA: Corporate Queen
Rosie Buckingham Senior Customer Service Specialist

When did you join ESco?
February 2008
What departments have you worked in?
Customer Services, Corporate (formerly known as MUMPS) which later merged with the Finance & Admin team
What is your guilty pleasure?
Popcorn. Salted. In a big bowl. All to myself.
If you had a superpower, what would it be and why?
To be able to fly – just because it would be fun!
What is your proudest achievement?
Hiking the 186 mile Pembrokshire coastal path in 14 days and raising over £3,000 for Macmillan
Tell us a fun fact about yourself?
I’ve been skydiving, paragliding, caving, and whitewater rafting!

Laura Evans Senior Project Manager AKA: L-Pez
Laura Evans Senior Project Manager

When did you join ESco?
November 2004… Then again in January 2011!
What departments have you worked in?
Customer Services, Account Management, Project Management
If you could have dinner with three people, who would it be and why?
My hubby because he’s my best friend and makes me laugh, my children (I know they are two people) because they make me smile and have great conversation and Reese Witherspoon, because she seems so awesome and inspiring!
What are some of your favourite things?
Thai food, cocktails (Pornstar Martini), The Holiday, Practical Magic, autumn, winter boots, going to the beach, Cornwall, flavoured coffee, tea, cheese, gin, leggings, Christmas, spa days
Share some good advice that you have been given and who gave it to you?
My dad always says “when you feel worried; can you do something about it? If yes, then do it. If you can’t, then don’t worry about it!”
Tell us a fun fact about yourself?
I love stationery! Coloured pens, notebooks, highlighters – you name it! For a birthday treat as a child, my grandparents used to take me to Jarrolds in Norwich to choose some new stationery goodies (such happy memories).

Alistair Wood Operations & Development Director AKA: Al
Alistair Wood Operations & Development Director

When did you join ESco?
April 2005
What departments have you worked in?
Account Management, Operations & Management Team
If you had a superpower, what would it be and why?
To eat as much food as I could without feeling full or putting on weight!
What is your happiest memory?
Paddleboarding across a turquoise blue lake in the Alps with my family
What did you want to be when you were younger?
I wanted to be a pilot, delivering medication to remote communities in southeast Asia
Tell us a fun fact about yourself?
I grew up in the Philippines


Alice Ablitt Client Relationship Manager AKA: Positive Pants
Alice Ablitt Client Relationship Manager

When did you join ESco?
January 2022
What departments have you worked in?
Customer Service, Account Management
What is your favourite thing to have for dinner?
My favourite meal has got to be stew and dumplings. Nothing beats a bit of comfort food – particularly in the colder months!
What’s something you think is totally overrated?
The US sitcom “Friends” (and yes, I may get a bit of backlash by saying that)
What were your favourite subjects in school?
Musical Theatre and Acting. I loved all performing arts and I’m sure that in another life it’s a career I would have pursued!
Tell us a fun fact about yourself?
I have been quad biking across sand dunes and paragliding from a mountain in Turkey!

Darren Laplain Head of Development AKA: Dazza
Darren Laplain Head of Development

In search of re-joining the rat race after living off the grid travelling around Europe in a motorhome, Darren joined ESco in 2007. After a short stint in the mailroom, and several different roles within the IT team Darren has reached the dizzy heights of Head of Development. Outside of work Darren spends most of his time running around after his 2 young kids and trying to teach them important life lessons: ‘Rock music rocks!’, ‘Always say “Please” and “Thank you”‘, and ‘There is no situation in life that can’t be improved by a cookie’. Although they seem to have picked the last one up themselves from the Cookie Monster.

Jennie Bell Production & Renewals Supervisor AKA: Jen
Jennie Bell Production & Renewals Supervisor

When did you join ESco?
January 1999
What departments have you worked in?
Fulfilment, Production
Do you have any hidden talents?
Segway riding! I was really good at it the first time I tried it… Before proceeding to break several ribs…
How would other people describe you?
(Jennie wouldn’t answer this one, but our survey said loyal, dependable, hardworking, and generous)
What are your three simple joys?
Baking, doing a spot of gardening and spending time with my grandchildren
Tell us a fun fact about yourself?
I love baking and have single-handedly raised £1500 for charity via the medium of cake!

Greg Lentz Production Operations Manager AKA: Lentzy
Greg Lentz Production Operations Manager

When did you join ESco?
May 2002
What departments have you worked in?
Warehouse, Fulfilment, Data, Production
What are some of your favourite things?
Roadhouse Blues, Gladiator, Pink Floyd, Curry (every Tuesday lunch time) and Tottenham
What would the title of your autobiography be?
This Won’t Sell Well
What is your proudest achievement?
My children
Tell us a fun fact about yourself?
I’m not always grumpy…

Gary Isbell Senior Customer Service Specialist AKA: Gazza
Gary Isbell Senior Customer Service Specialist

When did you join ESco?
July 2016
What departments have you worked in?
Customer Service
If you could have dinner with three people, who would it be and why?
Steve Irwin (who loved reptiles just as much as I do), Jose Mourinho (I’m an avid Chelsea supporter) and Muhammad Ali (who needs no explanation)
What is your happiest memory?
The birth of my daughter Luna
What’s something you think is totally overrated?
I can’t stand cheese… Something which seems to upset everyone I tell!
Tell us a fun fact about yourself?
I have kept Boa Constrictors as pets, I am a 2nd Dan Black Belt and I have fractured 14 different bones in my body

Andy Barnard Systems and Support Manager AKA: Skips
Andy Barnard Systems and Support Manager

When did you join ESco?
January 2011
What departments have you worked in?
Print Room, IT
What are some of your favourite things?
Chocolate and Cambridge United
Who is your hero?
Freddie Flintoff (former international cricketer, TV presenter, and all-round sporting legend)
What were your favourite subjects in school?
IT and Law… Though IT came out on top when I went off to university to undergo a degree in Computing!
Tell us a fun fact about yourself?
I’ve been captain of Easton’s Cricket Club for the last 12 years. I am also a member of the Institute of Groundsmanship as I do grounds work for the club too!

Al-fee Phelps Customer Service Manager – B2B & B2C AKA: Alfalfa
Al-fee Phelps Customer Service Manager – B2B & B2C

When did you join ESco?
April 2017
What departments have you worked in?
Customer Service
What are your three simple joys?
Slow mornings, fresh flowers and my little fur baby Sonia (a cat I rescued from Romania, who has her own passport)!
Who is your hero?
My nan
What did you want to be when you were younger?
As a child, I wanted to be a detective which, as I’ve got older, has turned into an interest in all things true crime!
Tell us a fun fact about yourself?
In my previous job, our team broke the world record for the most people dressed up as Spiderman

Charlotte Manning HR Manager AKA: Manningtree
Charlotte Manning HR Manager

When did you join ESco?
February 2019
What departments have you worked in?
If you could have dinner with three people, who would it be and why?
It would be Adele, because she is the most amazing singer. Alan Carr because he is hilarious and would bring the entertainment and Tom Hardy for obvious reasons…
What is your guilty pleasure?
Frazzles with guacamole
What are some of your favourite things?
Tiny Dancer by Elton John (wedding song), Crazy, Stupid Love (such a good chick flick), any type of seafood with a lot of garlic and crusty bread!
Tell us a fun fact about yourself?
I had a highly successful career as a hand model…

Victoria Scott Client Services Executive AKA: Vikki
Victoria Scott Client Services Executive

When did you join ESco?
June 2022
What departments have you worked in?
Customer Service, Account Management
What’s something you’ve always wanted to do but haven’t done yet? Why not?
Running the London Marathon is on my bucket list and with so many keen runners on my team, I should be able to do this… However, I like cake too much!
What is your favourite song?
There are so many songs that I like, it all depends on how I’m feeling but Be The One by Dua Lipa is on in my car every morning on my way to work and Bennie and the Jets by Elton John is my karaoke song
Share some good advice that you have been given and who gave it to you?
Don’t eat yellow snow!
Tell us a fun fact about yourself?
I once completed a gruelling sponsored silence while in the Brownies and lasted about an hour (longest hour of my life!)

Greg Viney Developer AKA: G
Greg Viney Developer

When did you join ESco?
December 2013
What departments have you worked in?
IT Development
Share some good advice that you have been given and who gave it to you?
A wise person always has more questions… Though one thing my dad always told me was to be good and, if I cannot be good, then be good at it!
If you had a superpower, what would it be and why?
To predict the future, so I could try and head off people’s adversities before they manifest.
What’s something you think is totally overrated?
Footballer’s salaries!
Tell us a fun fact about yourself?
I represented Great Britain in Judo at the age of 15 and then, at the age of 40, I became the Masters UK Number 1.

Megan Walden Marketing Communications Manager & Assistant to Deputy MD AKA: Meg
Megan Walden Marketing Communications Manager & Assistant to Deputy MD

When did you join ESco?
January 2020
What departments have you worked in?
Customer Service, Account Management, Marketing
What is your guilty pleasure?
Bounty chocolate… It’s absolutely delicious, I don’t know why it has such a bad reputation?!
What is your happiest memory?
Laying under the Mexican sun with my fiancé, a book in one hand, a margarita in the other, absolutely no idea what day of the week it was and the only important decision being which of the seven all-inclusive restaurants we would be going to for dinner
Share some good advice that you have been given and who gave it to you?
My grandad always tells me to never cry over something broken until you know it can’t be fixed, and I think about that any time things get rocky
Tell us a fun fact about yourself?
I’m slowly (but surely) in the process of writing my first novel!

Lyle Pascoe Technical Support & Email Systems Specialist AKA: Tate
Lyle Pascoe Technical Support & Email Systems Specialist

When did you join ESco?
July 2019
What departments have you worked in?
IT Support
If you could have dinner with three people, who would it be and why?
I’m a big F1 fan so probably figures from the sport like Lewis Hamilton, Zac Brown or Lando Norris
What were your favourite subjects in school?
Art or Technology as you could create something rather than just learn and regurgitate facts
Share some good advice that you have been given and who gave it to you?
Have you tried turning it off and on again? (Advice from multiple members of the IT team)!
Tell us a fun fact about yourself?
I love go-karting, though I don’t get the opportunity to go anywhere near as much as I’d like!

Edward Caswell Data Technician AKA: Ed
Edward Caswell Data Technician

When did you join ESco?
August 2022
What departments have you worked in?
Data Team
If you could have dinner with three people, who would it be and why?
James Cameron, Christopher Nolan and a surprise guest.
If you had a superpower, what would it be and why?
Telekinesis (the force) as its a 2-in-1 superpower… You can just lift yourself up and fly too!
What’s something you think is totally overrated?
Savoury desserts… Why would anyone pick a savoury dessert if there are sweet options?!
Tell us a fun fact about yourself?
At the Oscars in 2024, I correctly predicted winners for 17 of the 23 categories!

John McHale Client Services Director AKA: John Boy
John McHale Client Services Director

When did you join ESco?
December 2005
What departments have you worked in?
Warehouse, Production, Account Management, Management
If you had a superpower, what would it be and why?
Time travel would be super interesting! I would love to pop back in time have chats with relatives who have passed, experience living through different ages, advise of all the detrimental things we have done to ourselves and the planet over the course of time and see what the future may bring for my kiddies.
What would the title of your autobiography be?
If I finished everything I started, I would be…
Share some good advice that you have been given and who gave it to you?
Measure twice, cut once! My Uncle Bob gave me this gem, when making an error working with him as a mechanic in my teens. It is a phrase that can be applied to so many situations and one I use a lot today.
Tell us a fun fact about yourself?
I completed an A-Z of pubs in one day and survived to tell the tales!

Kimberley Jenkins Head of Staff AKA: Kimmie
Kimberley Jenkins Head of Staff

When did you join ESco?
September 2009
What departments have you worked in?
Customer Service, Corporate
If you had a superpower, what would it be and why?
A magic wand to clean and tidy the house (Cinderella-fairy-godmother-style)!
What is your proudest achievement?
Surviving two under 2! As a person who needs structure and organisation, I couldn’t have been pushed more out of my comfort zone with the chaos of two little ones and double porridge to clean up off the floor daily…
What are your three simple joys?
Hot coffee in peace, a walk in the sunshine and laying on a beach
Tell us a fun fact about yourself?
I took a gap year to study in America

Erica Callander Senior Account Manager AKA: Erica-ca-ca
Erica Callander Senior Account Manager

When did you join ESco?
November 2007
What departments have you worked in?
Account Management
What did you want to be when you were younger?
Wimbledon champion or an architect
What’s your pet peeve?
When theirs wrong grammer; and spelling’s it has a pacific affect on me!!
What’s your funniest ESco memory?
Alice’s “Top Gun moment” when she pulled the recline lever on her chair and was ejected across the office!
Tell us a fun fact about yourself?
I’ve “starred” in an episode of a primetime ITV car programme

Rob Green Director of Product and Transformation AKA: Robbie G
Rob Green Director of Product and Transformation

When did you join ESco?
November 2023 (but consulting for 18 months beforehand)
What departments have you worked in?
I have been involved in driving forward the tech transformation across ESco, which allowed me to work with all departments as part of the management team
What would your autobiography be?
Stop Showing Off
What’s your favourite ESco memory?
Running all of the retrospective sessions with each team, helping them to reflect on how they can improve and how to then take action on that.
What did you want to be when you were younger?
I wanted to be a lorry driver… In fact, I have to admit that deep down I still do! Nothing sounds better than a long drive and a bag of Skittles…
Tell us a fun fact about yourself?
I ran the London Marathon in 2023

Sarah Waddington Client Services Manager AKA: Sar
Sarah Waddington Client Services Manager

When did you join ESco?
October 2013
What departments have you worked in?
Customer Service, Account Management
If you could have dinner with three people, who would it be and why?
Walt Disney (to speak to him about everything Disney), Jurgen Klopp (to speak to him about everything football) and Adam Sandler… Just as entertainment!
What are some of your favourite things?
Liverpool FC, Blink-182, Disney, Malibu and Lemonade, chocolate
What’s your pet peeve?
When Erica says pls!
Tell us a fun fact about yourself?
I completed the Jungfrau Marathon in Switzerland (one of the best-known mountain marathons in the world)

Cathy Street Finance Manager and PA to MD AKA: The Rottweiler
Cathy Street Finance Manager and PA to MD

When did you join ESco?
December 2004
What departments have you worked in?
What is your proudest achievement?
My two children, Matt and Emma, who have both gone on to have beautiful children of their own
Who is your hero?
My mum, who taught me so much in life
Share some good advice that you have been given and who gave it to you?
My nan liked to say “if at first you don’t succeed, try and try again”!
Tell us a fun fact about yourself?
I have recently discovered I’m very good at laying block paving… A random but useful skill!

Wesley Atkins Renewals Manager AKA: Snipes
Wesley Atkins Renewals Manager

When did you join ESco?
October 2010
What departments have you worked in?
IT, Production
Who are some of your favourite filmmakers?
Christopher Nolan, Dennis Villeneuve and Wes Anderson
What were your favourite subjects in school?
Physics, Maths, Geography and Fine Art, and when I was younger I wanted to be an architect or an archaeologist (I really loved dinosaurs)
What’s something you think is totally overrated?
Despite my love of running… The Olympics!
Tell us a fun fact about yourself?
I studied Meteorology and Oceanography at UEA

Picture of Charlotte smiling with her hand on her hip. Charlotte
Charlotte Caswell Customer Service Executive AKA: Ed’s Sister
Picture of Charlotte smiling with her hand on her hip.
Charlotte Caswell Customer Service Executive

When did you join ESco?
October 2023
What departments have you worked in?
Customer Service, Corporate & Finance
Who is your favourite music artist?
I have absolutely loved Bruno Mars for years and know every lyric to every song.
If you had a superpower, what would it be and why?
I would love to be able to time travel back to some of the best eras or go forward and see what the future looks like.
What are your three simple joys?
Spending quality time with friends and family, a well-organised space and a good book.
Tell us a fun fact about yourself?
I have a parrot called Keith, who loves to mimic the house phone!

Julie is looking into the distance with her hand guarding above her eyes. Julie
Julie Dyer Customer Service Executive AKA: Maureen
Julie is looking into the distance with her hand guarding above her eyes.
Julie Dyer Customer Service Executive

When did you join ESco?
September 2021
What departments have you worked in?
Customer Service
Who is your hero?
My dad has always been my hero for raising three strong, independent daughters on his own (which can’t have been easy)!
If you had a superpower, what would it be and why?
I would love to be invisible… So I can be even nosier than I am at the moment…
What would the title of your autobiography be?
Oh No… Its Julie!
Tell us a fun fact about yourself?
I can talk for England! Possibly even the world!

Sue is looking at the camera with her hand on her hip. Suzanne
Suzanne McCormick Customer Service Executive AKA: SueMc
Sue is looking at the camera with her hand on her hip.
Suzanne McCormick Customer Service Executive

When did you join ESco?
May 2022
What departments have you worked in?
Customer Service
Share some good advice that you have been given and who gave it to you?
Continue to do what you’re doing, and you will continue to get the same result, from an anonymous source
What are your three simple joys?
Swimming in the sea at sunset whilst holidaying in a hot country, taking a long walk and spending time with family
What are some of your favourite things?
80’s music and any Greek food
Tell us a fun fact about yourself?
I once asked Marc Almond for an autograph and he refused as I only has an eyeliner for a pen an a bus ticket for paper!


Clare Ditchman Customer Service Specialist AKA: Bear
Clare Ditchman Customer Service Specialist

When did you join ESco?
November 2019
What departments have you worked in?
Customer Service
What is your guilty pleasure?
Mashed potato sandwich (with ketchup and butter)
What are your three simple joys?
Relaxing time with my family, time alone to read a book (in peace) and a takeaway
What’s something you’ve always wanted to do but haven’t done yet? Why not?
I’d love to travel, but due to lack of funds when I was younger and then starting a family, I never got round to it. Maybe when I retire?!
Tell us a fun fact about yourself?
I’ve done 2 tandem skydives!

Rylan is smiling side on to the camera. Rylan
Rylan Tabram Print Room Assistant AKA: Ry
Rylan is smiling side on to the camera.
Rylan Tabram Print Room Assistant

When did you join ESco?
October 2023
What departments have you worked in?
What football team do you support?
Liverpool, always
If you had a superpower, what would it be and why?
Super-strength, super-speed, enhanced reflexes, wall-crawling, spider-senses, web-swinging and spinning… Spiderman, basically. I’d want to be Spiderman!
What were your favourite subjects in school?
PE, Design and Geography
Tell us a fun fact about yourself?
I’m a dinosaur nerd at heart

Chloe Frostick Fulfilment & Despatch Executive AKA: Chlo
Chloe Frostick Fulfilment & Despatch Executive

When did you join ESco?
May 2022
What departments have you worked in?
If you had a superpower, what would it be and why?
I would want to be able to control metal, because it is everywhere
What did you want to be when you were younger?
My favourite subjects in school were media, business and food tech – but I really want to be a hairdresser (something which I’m now qualified in)!
What’s something you’ve always wanted to do but haven’t done yet? Why not?
I’ve always wanted to jump out of a plane… But it’s so expensive!
Tell us a fun fact about yourself?
In my spare time, I like to go banger racing with my mum Tracy (who also works at ESco)!

Kate Gilliard Customer Service Executive AKA: K
Kate Gilliard Customer Service Executive

When did you join ESco?
February 1999
What departments have you worked in?
Customer Service
What is your guilty pleasure?
Watching Emmerdale and Coronation Street with a Chinese takeaway
What are your three simple joys?
Spending time with my family, going to the beach and having a nice meal with friends and family!
What’s your favourite ESco memory?
Moving to Trinity House
Tell us a fun fact about yourself?
I’ve completed the London Marathon!

Andrew Marling Customer Service Executive AKA: Mandy
Andrew Marling Customer Service Executive

When did you join ESco?
March 2024
What departments have you worked in?
Customer Service
What’s something you think is totally overrated?
Pulp Fiction… I’ve seen it four times and it got worse with each watch, I think!
What is your proudest achievement?
Writing two A* graded essays on books I hadn’t read in my A-Level English Literature coursework
What are your three simple joys?
Sun, beer and card games
Tell us a fun fact about yourself?
I drive a 1998 Jaguar XJ8 to and from work every day. It runs at a solid 18mpg.

Hannah Mixure Senior Customer Service Specialist AKA: Hannah-Lou
Hannah Mixure Senior Customer Service Specialist

When did you join ESco?
November 2016
What departments have you worked in?
Customer Service, Corporate
What is your guilty pleasure?
Nothing beats watching a cringey Netflix original movie!
Who is your favourite music artist?
I could listen to any and everything by Sam Fender all day, every day. He is easily my all-time favourite artist!
What are your three simple joys?
Listening to Sam Fender (obviously), spending time with friends and enjoying some family time too… Especially with my nephew and recently born niece!
Tell us a fun fact about yourself?
My name is a palindrome (it reads the same backward or forward)