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On 22nd March 2019, we got ourselves back over to the Marlin Waterloo for our third event, focusing on Engagement & Retention, we heard from a fab selection of EIGHT industry professionals…
In the morning, we heard from four great panellists who told us about their titles, their experience and their success, they then endured a hearty Q&A session with our guests. Our fabulous speakers were:
- Jon Bickley, CEO and Founder, Anthem Publishing
- Lyn Hughes, Founder and Content Director, Wanderlust Travel Media
- Natasha Littleton, Marketing Director, First News (UK)
- Debbie Stenning, CEO, Database Vision
In the afternoon, we wowed our guests with some top tips, some stats about Johnny Cash (with order) and Direct Debbie and some all round useful (and hilarious) info from the ESco team. We followed this up with some meaty round table sessions, hosted by some more indsutry pros and friends of ESco:
- Catriona Bolger, Publisher, Wanderlust Travel Media
- Rebecca Blighton, Senior Retention and Projects Manager, TI Media
- Richard Price, Sales and Marketing Director, Bloomsbury Publishing
- Paul Joyce, Subscriptions Consultant, Hardy Joyce Consultancy>
Once again, we’ve had some really positive feedback from our attendees and the buzz surrounding our team and clients about the the many ideas that they want to implement leads us to believe it was another great success.
Some of the words used to describe the day were…
inspiring, rewarding, engaging, informative, enlightening, invigorating, organised, stimulating, interesting, thought-provoking, smooth, useful
Here’s some of the anonymous feedback we received via our survey:
“A very informative and well put together event. Thank you”
“You’re all wonderful and it was a great day!”
“Just to reiterate, I found it to be most useful event – both practically and in terms of inspiration. Thank you”
“Really liked the use of pollev for the ice-breaker, really good talks”