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GDPR & Update Day

On Friday 9th March 2018, we had the pleasure of holding the first ESco Connect Event, our GDPR and Update Day.

Over fifty of our partners attended and were able to gain invaluable information from our third-party consultant Opt-4 on the new data laws coming into play on 25th May this year.

In the afternoon, the ESco team presented on how we’re dealing with GDPR and provided an informative update on some of our recent and upcoming developments, including a little surprise demo of our new Reporting Portal thrown in at the end!

The event began with delicious pastries and real, hearty coffee, and ended with icy prosecco at our chilled out drinks reception. Of course, there was a “healthy” smattering of cake throughout the day as well.

To see even more detail (and photos) of our first event, you can read this news article.

We’re delighted to report that our first partner event was a real success, and it seems our guests thought so too

“Found the GDPR day very informative and to the point. It was nice meeting the whole team for a change and enabled me to know the people I have been speaking to. Came out with a lot of ideas and new friends. You guys do a fabulous job. Keep it up.”

Irene Johnson, Hawker Publications

“Thanks for putting on the GDPR day last Friday. I have attended many similar GDPR workshops and I thought that this was the most insightful and relevant of all of them. Others I have attended have been used as merely an opportunity to promote their own services and products without giving much insight into the actual topic of GDPR and how it will affect companies like Caspian Media.”

Richard Pocock, Caspian Media

“Great event! So well organised – thanks to everyone that made it happen.”

Anonymous via our feedback survey

“I found the day really engaging. It was really helpful that the speakers related the topics discussed back to our day to day, this improved my understanding vastly and I am able to apply the knowledge I gained during the day.”

Anonymous via our feedback survey

“VERY informative. GREAT catering. Very useful and lots of ideas to take back to the office :)”

Anonymous via our feedback survey